
MS series three-phase asynchronous motors

MS series aluminum housing three-phase asynchronous motors, with latest design in entirety, are made of selected quality materials and conform to the IEC standard.MS motors have good performance, safety and reliable operation, nice appearance, and can be maintained very conveniently, while with low noises, little vibration and at the same time light weight and simple construction. These series motors can be used for general drive.
Operating conditions
Ambient temperature: -15 °C<θ<40 °C
Sea level: not exceed 1000m
Rated voltage: 土5%

Technical Parameters






Shape and installation dimensions


高邮市| 新民市| 古交市| 上犹县| 苏尼特右旗| 梓潼县| 宜都市| 锡林郭勒盟| 历史| 肇源县| 余江县| 黄大仙区| 木兰县| 东丰县| 奉新县| 邹城市| 虹口区| 西贡区| 永靖县| 十堰市| 龙里县| 周口市| 建始县| 额济纳旗| 年辖:市辖区| 博湖县| 平顶山市| 禹州市| 修文县| 岐山县| 玉山县| 龙游县| 监利县| 永济市| 仙桃市| 黑河市| 嘉定区| 阿巴嘎旗| 大丰市| 龙泉市| 迁安市|